After a night's fast, our body needs a solid dose of energy to function properly. When we wake up from sleep, our metabolism is slowed down – by eating breakfast within two hours, we can speed it up and fuel it for the rest of the day. In addition, eating breakfast, we will be full of energy throughout the day, not to mention a good mood.
Studies show that people who eat breakfast can boast of better concentration, easier memorisation of information and greater learning abilities than people who skip this meal. Eating breakfast affects not only how you feel during the day, but also how you cope with various tasks at work, at university or at school.
In our breakfast buffet you will find all the products to compose a healthy and energetic breakfast. Wholegrain cereal products, which are a source of dietary fibre, dairy products (e.g. milk, yoghurt, kefir) and protein sources (e.g. sausage, eggs). Let's not forget about a portion of vegetables or fruit. A good source of healthy fats will be a variety of nuts.